Sunday, May 17, 2009

New Perspective

This article on race relations in today's America intrigued me. The author has taken a courageous stand in pointing out how the legislative attitude toward civil rights is no longer beneficial. His work could be easily missunderstood -- which acounts for the length and apologetic tone of the article. But he says what needs to be said. Looking for places of hidden racism is not going to find jobs, education, and opportunity for those in impoverished neighborhoods. We need to focus on community solutions to the persistent problems of inequality and stop overemphasizing overt racists. It's time to give our attention to positive efforts.


Tracy said...

Which if this is true (and I believe it is) it shows a marked positive transition in race relations. Unfortunately though unless people are afraid for their lives or convinced that their churches are guaranteed to burn's hard to motivate people groups as a voter block.

Just Me said...

Happy Anniversary, one day late!! When I got up this morning I remembered that yours was the same day as ours. Hope you had a good one. Take care.

Tracy said...

Esther? Hello? You Okay?

Esther said...

Yes, I'm fine. I was working full time (doing a temp job that ran out) and then I was on vacation.