In which Star Trek: The Next Generation episode did Data ask Captain Piccard to deactivate him? No, this is not a trivia question. I can't find the episode and it's making me bonkers that I can't remember which one that was. If you know, please tell me.
The one that all the Geeks obsess over.
Not helpful because not true. I have already looked on geeky websites and found no mention of this episode. It is in my memory banks, so it must have happened. ;oP
That's a tough one and I think I remember the episode- Data is on trial for his humanity and Picard is defending him, it was one of the early seasons. Try Memory Alpha for best results.
I checked that one "The Measure of a Man" from Season 2. It's not the one. I've been reading synopses on Memory Alpha and it's just taking so long I thought I'd issue a call for help. I thought it was one where he made an error or did something erratic. Then he told Captain Piccard that he should be deactivated because he could not be trusted. Seems like it was in an earlier season, but I've checked them all and no cigar yet. Thanks, though.
Perhaps - "Datalore" the first time he meets his brother? That's the first one that sprung to my mind. Though I recall it being a little different than you describe.
Did you find the episode?
So far I have not found the episode. I'll just keep watching random Star Trek's until it shows up, I guess. I need to review the Datalore episode (mentioned by Patrick) because he might be right. That one popped into my head too.
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