Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Tax Time

April is a month of allergy problems and taxation trauma. Taxes and why we hate them become very clear right around now. Here's an interesting opinon on the matter.

Why can't we just have a simple tax system? Like a flat tax? Is this the government's way of making us more compliant and nice. We won't start a revolution because we're so busy filling out our tax forms the idea won't occur to us. Maybe if we showed our tax forms to all the illegals in this country they'd get so freaked out that run back to where they came from. Yeah, that's a great idea.


Amber said...

Hehehe...CPA for a daddy. Suits me fine :)

Xana Ender said...

Try having to do Federal, State, and CITY income tax forms. @($*@(#*$%#

Tracy said...

I have the simplest proposal. No income tax whatsoever. I believe in the Easter Bunny also though so that should explain my dilusional fantasy.

tully said...

Question: When discussing a "flat tax" are you referring to a flat income tax or another tax?

Esther said...

I meant a flat income tax. I do agree with Tracy however, that doing away with income taxes would be a great idea. However, I'm willing to put up with a system that is just simpler than the mess we've got right now.